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Troubleshoot problems with the OLI.

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago

The OLI doesn't turn on

Is the OLI with enough battery?

Try charging it for some minutes and then try turning it on again. If it does not turn on, contact us at

The OLI doesn't delete data manually (pressing the button)

If after pressing the OLIVER button 3 times data deletion does not start, it is maybe a problem with the button. Please contact us at

There is a problem with the led indicator when charging the OLI

  1. Try connecting the OLI's USB to another power source ( Laptop, or a mobile phone charger).

  2. If the blue LED turns on but it starts to blink, check that the USB connector is correctly connected.

  3. If the problem persists, contact us at

The OLI doesn't record data

Make sure the OLI light is blinking green while you are doing the session. If the problem persists, please contact us at

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