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Learn all the metrics calculated by your OLI in just a few minutes.

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago


DRIBBLING DISTANCE: Ball transfer meters in a straight line.

BALL TOUCHES: Number of ball kicks above 15g (40km/h) of intensity during the session.

KICK POWER: Maximum impact speed to the ball.

HEATMAP: The heat map shows the field´s locations most frequented by the player. It is a good indicator of the player's tactical intelligence.

OLIVER offers two different types of heat-maps for Outdoor sesions:

  1. When selecting "GAME" as activity performed the heat-map is shown in first-half and second-half. This works best when there is a change of attacking side during the session.

2. When selecting "TRAINING GAME" as activity performed the heat-map is shown as a single heat-map. This works best when during a training game sides are not changed.


ACTIVITY TIME: Total active time during the session. Our algorithms detect abnormal pauses and eliminate them keeping the session's work time accurate.

DISTANCE COVERED: Total distance covered in km during the session.

TOP SPEED: Maximum speed reached during the session.

WALK: Total distance covered in meters at speeds between 0 to 6 km / h.

JOG: Total distance covered in meters at speeds between 6 to 14 km / h.


  • HIGH SPEED DISTANCE: Total distance covered in meters at speeds between 14 km / h and 22 km / h.

  • MAX. SPEED DISTANCE: Total distance covered in meters above a speed of 22 km / h.


  • HIGH INTENSITY ACCELERATIONS: Total distance in meters of accelerations between 2 and 3 m / s2.

  • MAX INTENSITY ACCELERATIONS: Total distance in meters of accelerations greater than 3m / s2.


  • HIGH INTENSITY DECELERATIONS: Total distance in meters of decelerations between -2 and -3 m / s2.

  • MAX INTENSITY DECELERATIONS: Total distance in meters of decelerations greater than -3 m / s2.



Its value is obtained from the total distance traveled. The % is calculated by comparing the session's distance value with the maximum distance value over time.


It is calculated using the speed and acceleration values ​​over time. The results shown are personalized taking into account the maximum values ​​that each player reaches.

The intensity in speed and accelerations can be viewed separately, which is of great help when drawing conclusions about the session performed.


External load monitoring: is calculated using all data collected by the OLI.

  • Replenish your energy: This signal will show up when your last week of training has been too demanding and you need to replenish your energy.

  • Ready to go: This signal will show up when you are in optimal condition to carry out the activity.

  • Train with more frequency: This signal will show when your last week of training has registered low-demand sessions. You should train with more frequency.


Internal load monitoring: is calculated using the perceived effort input provided by the player.

This index allows you to compare your efforts in different weeks and understand if you are training to the maximum or not.

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