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Injury Risk

Review of OLIVER's injury risky index.

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over 3 years ago

The OLI Injury Index (OLIF) is a model that allows us to see the relationship between the chronic load (previous) and the acute load (current) of the athlete.

This relationship is used to understand the load that the player is bearing and the incidence of this load on the risk of injury.

A high OLIF is associated with an increased risk injury due to overloading, while a low OLIF is associated with an increased risk injury due to lack of training.

When the values ​​are at any extreme(low/high), corrective actions should be taken in the athlete's training load to avoid possible injuries.

The injury risk is calculated taking into account six variables. Coaches can examine each variable individually and take corrective actions more precisely. For example, a player that has a very high OLIF in accelerations, should avoid maximum intensity accelerations on the following training session.

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